'From Sugar-Obsessed to Sugar-free!'

Secret eating, late night trips to the convenience store, big bars of chocolate disappearing in minutes, going from being a rational, 'together' person to having a crazy sugar head in a matter of minutes. I've been there, I was there for decades until I pieced together all the difference bits of information that helped me start my sugar-free journey fully informed.

To change how we eat is never easy but when we feel obsessed and addicted to certain foods it is even harder. I found that finding recipes was the easy bit, but piecing together all the information that helped me get started and understanding what was happening in my body, was much more difficult. This is the information the diet and the food industry don't want you to know, they would rather keep you 'addicted to nutritionally devoid food-like substances and 'lining their pockets'.

Welcome to the start of sugar-freedom; they say knowledge is power so here's everything you need to know included in these 3 courses/resources...

You will discover...

  • Why you may have previously 'failed'
  • What happens in your body when you cut out sugar
  • How our brain can sabotage your sugar-free journey
  • What the 5 types of cravings you may experience and why
  • How to make your sugar-free life sustainable
  • Crucially what to eat!
  • How to meal plan for success and why it is so important to do it

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