Start Sugar-freedom Healing - Balance your 5 Spirals 🌊🌳πŸ”₯πŸŒ„πŸ’Ž

Are you stuck on your sugar-free journey?

Do you keep falling off the wagon?

The thing about sugar-freedom is that it can be really, really hard to get going, keep going and then make it an established way of life. I always say that the journey to finding sugar-freedom is a healing journey

Creating flow and balance in your energy system means change happens much more easily.

My 5 Spirals energy approach is based around the 5 elements of nature, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. They each have their gifts and their challenging edges. They are all part of the dynamic energy flow of the universe and are part of everything, including us!

Getting to know your 5 Spirals within, how they get stuck and then what can unstick them helps us to flow more easily through life's ups and downs.

This worksheet will give you an introduction to the 5 Spirals and is an opportunity to start noticing where in yourself you need more balance.

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