Welcome to the Natural Food School, an Inspiration and Resource Hub

Healing, Nourishment and Transformation are all possible using Natural Nutrition and Energy Medicine

Perhaps you are wanting to...

  • Feel free of food and sugar cravings, to love your body more
  • Have more energy for life and clarity around your goals
  • Work in a more connected way towards change, a way that acknowledges and embraces your body, mind, emotions and soul
  • Live, eat and heal in harmony with natural cycles and rhythms 

Fantastic, you have landed in the right place!

You can start your own transformational journey by subscribing to my 'Sugar-free' or 'Naturally Nourishing' freebies, booking in a free 30 minute taster session and/or joining my free community on Facebook. I look forward to connecting with you very soon.

With much love and bright blessings, Carol XX

Available Courses

Start Sugar-freedom Healing - Balance your 5 Spirals 🌊🌳🔥🌄💎

Would you like a dynamic, healing, energy balancing approach to support you to get off the sugar-full roller coaster?

To help you make sense of the cravings and the lack of momentum you may be feeling?

Welcome to my 5 Spirals approach... this downloadable energy map will get you started; explaining how you may be feeling when your 5 Spirals are out of balance and how you might feel when they are dynamic, flowing and balanced.

INNER CIRCLE - 'My Naturally Nourishing Life'

'My Naturally Nourishing Life Inner Circle' is a supportive membership community where you can find all the information you need to make sugar-free living YOUR way of life. This women's community is about so much more than a sugar-freedom lifestyle as together we weave sugar-freedom with the everyday magic of life including...

  • Deep diving into the healing and transformative energy of the 5 Spirals
  • Exploring each seasons and what food to enjoy
  • Discovering our connection to Earth's wisdom
  • Healing techniques that help bring balance

Quite simply nourishing ourselves on all levels, body, mind spirit and soul.

21 Days & 21 Ways to Sugar-freedom

Are you stuck on your sugar-free journey and need to get some momentum going? This 3 week course could really support you with everything you need to pick up the pace, at your own pace. 

21 videos, 21 audios, 21 recipes and 21 affirmations means 21 days closer to sugar-freedom!

Discover the 5 Keys that can Open the Door to Sugar-freedom

Feeling addicted to sugar can honestly feel like a prison of food obsession and intense cravings, I know, I was trapped in that world for decades.

In these 5 video classes class recorded live on Facebook, I will talk about the principle keys that I use, and explain to all my clients,  foundation for life-long sugar-freedom.

I share how you can turn the key for yourself to find sugar-freedom.

🗝This is a healing journey not a diet
🗝This is about nourishment not deprivation
🗝Understanding what your body recognises as sugar
🗝This journey is not personal it is biochemical
🗝Sugar-free is different to sugar-freedom

'Make a Bid for Sugar-freedom' - 4 Freebies in One Place!

It's a big deal letting go of sugar... I gave up the white stuff along with processed carbohydrates (essentially sugar) in May 2017, after decades of addiction, over-eating and binge-eating.

To start with I found it confusing, emotional and physically challenging and then I found it a miracle, a relief, a life changer.

I have now made it my mission to support you to do the same by sharing everything you might need to get started.

So come join my free group of intrepid sugar-freedom seekers and get the information you need to get going!

80+ Wholesome Vegan & Vegetarian Sugar-Free Recipes

I have finally put together all my recipes in one place, over 80 of them!

Finding truly sugar-free recipes can be difficult in a world dominated by the white stuff, even 'healthy' recipes can be packed with maple syrup, date syrup and honey which for many recovering sugar addicts can still keep us hooked.

My recipes contain no sweeteners apart from that from the whole fruit, so no syrups, no honey and certainly nothing artificial. 

'Naturally Nourishing' - 6 Freebies in One Place!

Do you want to eat more healthily and live more naturally?

Do you moon-gaze and wonder what the different phases mean?

Would like to eat more seasonally but not sure how?

Would you like to know how nature expresses itself within you?

Then welcome to this collection of Naturally Nourishing freebies to enjoy.

My Courses Available Courses
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